Gwenaëlle Niault

Environmental and Social (E&S) Specialist,


Référente Genre au sein de la division Environnement, Social et Gouvernance, Gwenaëlle Niault évalue les risques et opportunités E&S sur les projets, dans les secteurs des infrastructures, agro-industriels et du textile. Elle a auparavant exercé pendant 9 ans au sein de cabinets internationaux. Elle est ingénieure en Génie civil de formation.

Published articles


Proparco is a subsidiary of the AFD Group focused on private sector development. It has been promoting sustainable economic, social and environmental development for over 45 years.

Proparco provides funding and support to both businesses and financial institutions in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Middle-East. Its action focuses on the key development sectors: infrastructure, mainly for renewable energies, agribusiness, financial institutions, health and education. Its operations aim to strengthen the contribution of private players to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted by the international community in 2015.

To this end, Proparco finances companies whose activity contributes to creating jobs and decent incomes, providing essential goods and services and combating climate change.